Category: BEM-Pressemitteilungen

German Federal Association for eMobility: What is happening with Europe…?

German Federal Association for eMobility: What is happening with Europe…?

Berlin, 13 June 2024: »We are concerned about the results of the European elections«, say Christian Heep and Markus Emmert, board members of the German eMobility Association (BEM). »The biggest loser in the European Parliament fights and stands for the most important issues of our time: human rights, democracy, sustainability, the right to clean energy,[…]

The danger of technological openness for Germany and Europe

The danger of technological openness for Germany and Europe

Berlin / Istanbul, 23.05.2024. Blind openness to technology threatens the future of Germany and Europe. In the run-up to the current European elections, it is more important than ever to set the course for a sustainable and future-oriented economic policy. However, one trend that is becoming increasingly important could harm us in the long term:[…]

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