German Federal Association for eMobility: What is happening with Europe…?
Berlin, 13 June 2024: »We are concerned about the results of the European elections«, say Christian Heep and Markus Emmert, board members of the German eMobility Association (BEM). »The biggest loser in the European Parliament fights and stands for the most important issues of our time: human rights, democracy, sustainability, the right to clean energy, quality of life, affordable and functional mobility and social justice.«
»The election results make it clear that we still have a lot of convincing to do to communicate the urgency and benefits of a sustainable economy,’ explains BEM CEO Christian Heep. ‘It is now all the more important that we step up our efforts to establish the green economy as an integral part of the transformation process in the energy and mobility sectors at the heart of the European economy. We need to emphasise the benefits of a sustainable economy more clearly. Innovations in the field of electromobility and renewable energies not only secure the business location, but are also essential for climate protection.«
Despite the populists’ gains, the majority of voters have decided in favour of a pro-European course. However, it is just as important that the CDU/CSU parties finally take the side of an efficient green economy, abandon their technological openness and turn their attention to Europe’s economic future. It is clear that our way of life and weather disasters are causally linked. The belief in a fossil-fuelled economic narrative, which is riddled with lies, half-truths and fake news, persists. It will be a disaster if these forces put the brakes on the Green Deal in Europe. Politics and civil society need to explain themselves better, listen to each other and find a common consensus that promotes jobs, value creation and prosperity in the long term while maximising climate and environmental protection goals.
Europe and Germany need less one-sided clientelism and significantly more technological determination, clear priorities and a targeted strategy in order to successfully master the challenges of the energy and mobility transition with their own resources. A political steering effect is essential in order to accelerate the necessary changes, effectively tackle the challenges of climate change and achieve sustainable progress.
Together with its member companies, the German Federal Association for eMobility is politically committed to improving the legal framework and raising public awareness of sustainable new mobility. Please support us. We need you. Europe needs us.