Heads of the industry: A portrait of
Dr. Frank Freimuth
Dr Frank Freimuth is one of the leading experts in the field of sustainable management in the German-speaking world. With his company, INTERENA GmbH, he advises companies ranging from DAX 30 corporations to SMEs on sustainability issues. Public institutions, ministries and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) also obtain professional recommendations from his consultancy firm. He has been committed to the mobility transition for many years and has excellent expertise in electromobility.
Frank Freimuth is also an experienced and cross-party recognised expert in the field of sustainability policy. At BEM, he specialises in public and governmental affairs and heads our Parliamentary Advisory Council. He benefits from the fact that he learnt the political business ‘from the ground up’, knows it from the inside as a former member of parliament and has excellent connections in the top echelons of German politics and business.
Frank Freimuth from Wuppertal came into politics through Johannes Rau, then Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia, for whom he worked for many years and who is regarded as his mentor. To this day, his thoughts and actions are characterised by the motto ‘reconciling instead of dividing’ and he is convinced that there is a suitable solution for every problem.
»There’s no such thing as can’t« characterises his solution-oriented work accordingly. Dr. Freimuth not only draws on a broad political horizon, but also a wealth of experience from his work in prominent positions in international organisations, adult education, various business associations and as an entrepreneur.
n his limited free time, Frank Freimuth focuses on his fourteen-year-old daughter Marie.He enjoys being outdoors, weight training and running the occasional marathon. To avoid the daily traffic chaos and lack of parking spaces, he has recently been seen whizzing around the German capital on his electric scooter – his motto: »Courage for the future!«