Heads of the industry: A portrait of Heike Lange
For almost 20 years, Heike Lange has been a driving force behind innovations in the field of cashless payments. Just as with e-mobility, the payments industry needs to be agile in order to be able to react quickly to new market conditions and consumer requirements. As Managing Director of the Initiative Deutsche Zahlungssysteme (IDZ), she has been responsible for the strategic direction of the association since 2012 and ensures close cooperation with partners from politics, business and society.
After all, an association thrives and grows on strong partnerships and cooperation. Networking beyond the association’s own boundaries is particularly important for opening up new areas of application. This was particularly evident in the area of eMobility. Without cooperation with partners such as the Bundesverband eMobilität, consumers would probably not be able to pay by card at charging stations in the future. Through the cross-industry network co-founded by Heike Lange, the IDZ has helped to make decisive progress towards turning this vision into reality.
Together with the Executive Board and the members of the initiative, Heike Lange has made an important contribution as Managing Director to making eMobility more user-friendly for consumers as a climate-friendly technology. This reflects her association’s philosophy and shows how crucial it is to work on innovative and sustainable solutions across industries.