BEM member companies

Members application

The Federal eMobility Association networks all stakeholders from science and research, business, politics and the media, promotes public awareness of electromobility through numerous events and advocates the necessary infrastructural changes.

»Involving our members in a wide range of BEM campaigns, trade fair events, publications and projects is therefore one of our most important tasks in day-to-day political business. In addition, we ensure that our members network optimally with each other in order to develop new cooperation and business models beyond industry boundaries for a timely, visible New Mobility,« says Christian Heep, BEM Board Member.

The BEM’s tasks include improving the legal framework conditions for the expansion of electromobility as a sustainable and forward-looking mobility concept and enforcing equal opportunities in the switch to electromobility.

The electromobility sector will be one of the strong growth industries, not only in terms of creating and maintaining jobs. It is essential to face the challenges of new mobility together and with greater vigour in order to ensure a sustainable upturn in the entire market environment. This task requires the active participation of Germany’s most innovative companies, strong personalities and the co-operative interaction of all stakeholders from science, research, business, politics, the media, associations and institutions, as well as the commitment of every single citizen who wants to work for New Mobility. BEM membership combines the social, economic and ecological challenges with the opportunities of eMobility and sustainability development and anchors them in society in the long term.

This requires your commitment and support…!

Benefits of membership

Political influence and regulation

Relevance: Electromobility is at the centre of political discussions and regulatory requirements. Members of the BEM have direct access to political decision-makers and can play an active role in shaping the framework conditions.

  • Participation in parliamentary dialogues in the Bundestag. Members have the opportunity to represent the interests of the industry in dialogue with political decision-makers and address regulatory challenges directly.
  • Participation in special commissions and task forces. The BEM organises specialised working groups that focus on current political issues and develop targeted recommendations for action.
  • Influencing regulatory policy. By participating in working groups, special commissions or other formats, members can contribute directly to the development of new regulations and help shape recommendations for action to politicians.
  • Future role in standardisation committees. Members can be appointed to standardisation committees as representatives of the BEM to help develop standards and guidelines for electromobility.
  • Proximity to ministries and authorities. Networking with political decision-makers at regional, federal and EU level
  • Early involvement in legislative processes. Members are informed by the BEM in the early stages of legislative initiatives and regulatory processes

Network and exchange

Relevance: A strong network is essential in a growing industry such as electromobility. The BEM offers access to an exclusive network of experts, companies and institutions.

  • Access to the BEM network. Members benefit from a broad network of electromobility players, from start-ups to large companies.
  • Mentoring programme. The BEM arranges contacts with experienced industry experts who can act as mentors for new members or start-ups.
  • International networking. Members have access to global markets and partners in Brazil, Chile and other countries.
  • Participation in networking events. The BEM regularly organises events, such as the BEM Lounge, which provides an ideal platform for exchange and partnerships.
  • Member portal (in planning). A digital portal will further promote the exchange and networking of members in the future.

Public relations and visibility

Relevance: Positioning and perception in the industry are crucial in order to remain visible as a relevant player. The BEM offers numerous opportunities to present yourself to the public.

  • Presentation on the BEM website and in publications. Members are presented on the website, in the image brochure and on exhibition walls and handouts.
  • Publication opportunities. Suitable articles can be published in the BEM newsletter and on social media platforms such as LinkedIn.
  • Introduction of new members. New members are explicitly introduced in the newsletter and on social media to increase their visibility.
  • Cooperation with media partners / discounted advertising conditions. Members receive discounts on adverts in renowned media such as Vision Mobility and supplements in Handelsblatt, FAZ, Zeit, Welt, Tagesspiegel Background, etc.
  • Use of the partner logo ‘Member of BEM’.
  • Possibility of inclusion in press releases.

Fact-based communication and education

Relevance: A fact-based debate is essential in order to sustainably secure the green economy and social acceptance of the energy and mobility transition and to protect against disinformation. This approach complements the BEM’s public relations work and educational initiatives and strengthens confidence in a sustainable future.

  • Active education. The BEM is actively committed to debunking and combating fake news, half-truths and populist narratives that jeopardise the progress of the green economy and sustainable transformation.
  • Fact-based communication. Through press releases, articles, statements and commentaries, the association provides reliable information and thus strengthens factual and well-founded public debate.

Training and knowledge transfer

Relevance: Electromobility is a dynamic field that requires constant further training. The BEM offers unique platforms for this.

  • Access to studies and market analyses. Partially free or discounted access to industry studies, market reports and analyses prepared by BEM or partners.
  • Discounted use of the BEM Academy. Members can use BEM Academy training programmes at reduced conditions or in some cases free of charge.
  • Own training formats (in planning). In future, members will be able to create, disseminate and offer their own training content.

Participation in trade fairs and events

Relevance: Trade fairs and events are key platforms for acquiring new customers and partners and strengthening the brand.

  • BEM joint stands and discounted trade fair conditions. Members benefit from reduced conditions or free access to trade fairs such as Power2Drive, polisMOBILITY or Automechanika.
  • Participation in BEM business delegations. Accompany the BEM to international trade fair formats such as Automechanika in Shanghai and Istanbul, Global Mobility Call in Madrid and others.
  • Participation in BEM events. In addition to trade fair participations, the BEM offers further exclusive events such as the BEM Lounge, which provide a platform for exchange and presentation.
  • Host a BEM Lounge. Possibility of organising a BEM Lounge

Co-creation and commitment

Relevance: Members can actively shape the future of electromobility and get involved within the BEM.

  • Participation and involvement in working groups. Working groups are open to all members free of charge to actively work on electromobility topics.
  • Management of working groups. With appropriate consultation and commitment, members can take over the leadership of a working group.
  • Participation in committees and think tanks. Once appointed, members have the opportunity to participate in committees and specialised think tanks.
  • Initiation of new topics and projects. Possibility of introducing new topics for the BEM working groups or think tanks.

Right of co-determination and strategic orientation

Relevance: As a member, you have the opportunity to play an active role in shaping the strategic direction of the association.

  • Participation in general meetings. Members have voting rights and can participate directly in decisions on the further development of the association.
  • Support from the BEM network. The BEM supports members with projects and regulatory initiatives in order to support their success.
  • Involvement in strategic partnerships. Participation in strategic partnerships that the BEM has entered into with institutions, companies or other associations.

Social transformation and green economy

Relevance: The BEM sees itself not only as a representative of the interests of the electromobility industry, but also as a driver of a holistic transformation. With targeted initiatives, press releases and commentaries, the association makes an active contribution to positive market development by driving forward the green economy and the energy and mobility transition.

  • Strategic communication. As described, the BEM uses collaborations as well as press releases, articles and commentaries to sensitise politicians, business and society to the opportunities presented by the transformation.
  • Future-orientated focus. Promoting innovation and new business models strengthens the market and supports the sustainable development of the industry.

By becoming a member of the BEM, you position yourself as a central, relevant and networked player in the electromobility industry. You benefit from exclusive advantages, gain visibility and make valuable contacts. At the same time, you actively shape the framework conditions for a sustainable future: Use the opportunities offered by eMobility and sustainability development to master social, economic and ecological challenges – for a liveable and sustainable society.

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