BEM member companies

Members application

The Federal eMobility Association networks all stakeholders from science and research, business, politics and the media, promotes public awareness of electromobility through numerous events and advocates the necessary infrastructural changes.

»Involving our members in a wide range of BEM campaigns, trade fair events, publications and projects is therefore one of our most important tasks in day-to-day political business. In addition, we ensure that our members network optimally with each other in order to develop new cooperation and business models beyond industry boundaries for a timely, visible New Mobility,« says Christian Heep, BEM Board Member.

The BEM’s tasks include improving the legal framework conditions for the expansion of electromobility as a sustainable and forward-looking mobility concept and enforcing equal opportunities in the switch to electromobility.

The electromobility sector will be one of the strong growth industries, not only in terms of creating and maintaining jobs. It is essential to face the challenges of new mobility together and with greater vigour in order to ensure a sustainable upturn in the entire market environment. This task requires the active participation of Germany’s most innovative companies, strong personalities and the co-operative interaction of all stakeholders from science, research, business, politics, the media, associations and institutions, as well as the commitment of every single citizen who wants to work for New Mobility. BEM membership combines the social, economic and ecological challenges with the opportunities of eMobility and sustainability development and anchors them in society in the long term.

This requires your commitment and support…!

  • Opportunity to actively participate in a constantly growing network pool of emobility-enthusiastic entrepreneurs
  • Joint BEM stand at trade fairs, congresses and events
  • Cross-sector and interdisciplinary dialogue with the relevant players in the industry
  • Networking with politics, business, the media, other associations, research organisations and institutes
  • Participation in various BEM events: BEM Lounge, eMobile Round Table, gala events, conferences, symposia, working groups, etc.
  • Regional networking
  • Image-enhancing positioning as a pioneer, innovator and active eMobility player
  • Professional advice, support and valuable network contacts when setting up the first electric vehicle fleets
  • Presentation at events and conferences
  • Access to expertise in the field of electromobility: competent introduction to the topic of new mobility for your customers and employees
  • Access to partner organisations and cooperation partners
  • Use of the partner logo ‘Member of BEM’
  • Company presentation and link on the BEM website
  • Special conditions for advertising in nationwide print media as part of numerous media co-operations
  • Inclusion in the press releases sent out by the BEM
  • Regular inclusion of relevant topics in the BEM media and nationwide media attention: eNewsletter, BEM website, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google & Co.
  • Free or discounted participation in events and congresses via the BEM’s media partnerships
  • Actively shaping and promoting industry goals at a political level for sustainable new mobility
  • Proximity to ministries and networking with political decision-makers at regional, federal and EU level
  • Access to the experts on the Parliamentary Advisory Council
  • Joint statements on political decisions and legislative procedures
  • Participation in special commissions and task forces

BEM membership combines the social, economic and ecological challenges with the opportunities of eMobility and sustainability development and anchors them in society in the long term.

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