Stop climate fraud initiative: News from the fight against quota erosion
Since 2022, the GHG quota has slumped to less than a quarter of its original value. To protest against this, over 120 demonstrators gathered in front of the Paul Löbe House in Berlin on 4 December. With success: numerous members of parliament attended the rally and spoke out in favour of urgent action. We would like to thank everyone who travelled from all over Germany and showed their colours. We would also like to thank the political support of Dr Anja Weisgerber, Christian Hirte, Julia Klöckner, Oliver Grundmann, Ralph Lenkert, Dr Nina Scheer, Albert Stegemann, Artur Auernhammer, Andreas Rimkus and Dr Jan-Niclas Gesenhues for their contribution.
The initiative continues to call on politicians:
➡ Compensation mechanism for real climate protection and catching up on climate protection
➡ Compensate for falsified UER certificates with all available fulfilment options
➡ Close loophole in the 38th BImSchV: No transfer of overfulfilment from 2023 and 2024
➡ Strict controls on the import of advanced biofuel
➡ Possibility for third parties to carry over quotas from 2023 and 2024
Since 4 September 2024, the Stop Climate Fraud Initiative has been working together to combat climate protection fraud. The coalition of over 100 companies and associations from the renewable energy sector is driving forward the clarification of questionable business practices in connection with the greenhouse gas reduction quota and is campaigning for climate justice. This involves fraud with UER projects (upstream emission reduction projects) and possibly falsely declared biofuel from China. The aim is to counteract market distortions and restore climate protection.
Would you like to be part of our initiative? Apply now and join us in shaping the restoration of real climate protection in transport.