Sustainable mobility
for the future
The transport transition needs clear strategies and investments to advance electromobility, charging infrastructure and grids. Political uncertainties, growing competitive pressure and the decline in state subsidies pose major challenges. Delayed regulations are also causing uncertainty and hampering important investments.
‘In order to drive forward the mobility transition, smart framework conditions are needed to ensure investment in sustainable technologies,’ says BEM CEO Christian Heep. This applies not only to emission-free drives, but also to intelligent control systems, improved grid integration and the expansion of renewable energies. Only with a coordinated strategy can change be accelerated and the competitiveness of the industry secured.
Digital solutions play a key role. They enable more efficient use of existing resources, optimise traffic flows and create multimodal mobility options. In conjunction with regulatory measures, these innovations can significantly accelerate the mobility transition.
The future of mobility is being decided now. Political clarity and technological determination must work together to create a resilient and sustainable transport structure. The German eMobility Association networks stakeholders from business, politics and science in order to promote new mobility concepts.
⇢ To the edition / Reflex Verlag (in German)