This is how much electricity cars with combustion engines need

15.02.2022 / edison-media / This is how much electricity cars with combustion engines need

What do you use for heating? Perhaps with electricity? No, of course not, you will say. Who still heats with electricity? It doesn’t matter whether it’s oil, gas or wood pellets – your heating system still needs electricity. For example, for the control electronics in the heating system or in the room control, in the electronic radiator valves, for the indoor and/or outdoor thermostat, the circulation pumps.

And there’s more, because much more electricity is needed to bring your energy source (oil, gas or wood) to your home. The term ‘grey energy’ is often used in this context. It is already in the product before you even use it.

Why look at grey energy? Well, because we will save a lot of it if we drive electric cars. We often hear that there is not enough electricity for electric cars. On a cursory glance, this is logical: electric cars consume on average between 15 and 20 kilowatt hours of electricity per 100 kilometres. Extrapolated to approx. 12,500 kilometres per year and multiplied by approx. 41 million vehicles, this results in a total of almost 100 billion kilowatt hours of electricity required.

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To the article (in German)

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