»We need affordable products«

October 2021 / Mobility of the future / Supplement in Capital magazine

Under this headline, BEM CEO Markus Emmert describes the challenge for electromobility in the current supplement of Capital magazine. The first flat rate on charging points in Germany shows where the path should lead. After the teething troubles of electromobility in Germany, it was only a matter of time before the first flat rate on charging points was offered – for 49 euros a month. It is the leap into the digital world that makes this possible: electricity in data packages, priced according to its form of generation. It is clear that the value of the new grids lies in the fact that they work and are resilient and, of course, that access is available. It is less important which end device we use.

The authorities are still making major rookie mistakes here. German regulators have forgotten to register the vehicle with the details of the batteries. As a result, there is currently no knowledge of flexible storage in society. The issue of standardised payment has not yet been fully clarified. There is also a lack of reliable monopoly control. Too often, charging station operators are able to dictate prices. In this new market, it must be possible for not only elegant but also affordable products to shape the transition to electromobility.

Thanks to inpact media Verlag 

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