Grußwort des BEM im NEAS Guide

September 2018 /  New Energy Auto Company Guide 2018 – 2019
The key technologies of electromobility and the intelligent power grid will determine our future
Low-emission drive concepts are worldwide on the fast lane and it’s clear, that the change to a new mobility is no longer a distant future theme. All relevant players are working currently under pressure in the growth industry of the green economy on resources, quiet and clean new mobility. Electric mobility continues to prevail in Germany, all relevant players, even manufacturers who try to avoid this topic have recognized that this is inescapable.
On a positive note is the fact that we are moving forward on a global level. The turn to renewable energies and to a sustainable new mobility is of course a huge challenge and means a multitude of corresponding changes. A process, which began already more than a hundred years ago.
Currently, it will be a great challenge to intelligently connect the energy sector with the mobility sector. In order to reduce air pollution in metropolitan areas and to promote the attractiveness of electric mobility, we have proposed to promote the charging of electric vehicles to public charging stations with free electricity and to invest additionally in the nationwide expansion of charging infrastructure.
In the long term, we see the value of electricity not in sales, but in the ability to save electricity at peak loads and deliver it back when needed. The aim is to create a bidirectional charging infrastructure for the vehicles and the charging stations and to build a power grid of the future, the so-called SmartGrid. This significantly improves the integration of renewable energies into the power grid and partially avoids costly grid expansion.
We see this as a viable business model that does not rely on a high charge for charge current – which would be counterproductive for the nationwide introduction of eMobility in the long term – but a shared revenue model that also takes the electric vehicle users into account in monetary terms.
Christian Heep, Vice President of the German Federal Association for eMobility

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